Getting to Vel Marì

Vel Marì is located in Alghero on Maria Pia beach.
The interactive map above will help you to arrive to our building.
Thanks to the controls placed directly on the map, Google Map system allows different display modes and the possibility of increasing detail.

GPS Lat: N 40° 35.668 / Lon: E 008° 17.348


For those who want to leave their car home and despite of it do not want stop walking or going shopping, there is a regular bus that in a few minutes connects the Fertilia village to the Alghero city center. The bus stop is 20 metres away from the property.


Arriving by plane

A few minutes away from Fertilia airport
and 135 km from Olbia airport.

Arriving by boat

30 km from Porto Torres port
and 135 km from Olbia port.